Your nickname: Doms, Dermie

One word to describe you: Scruffy

Favourite player to watch growing up: Simon Prestigiacomo

Who has had the most influence on your career: All of my teammates

Toughest individual opponent: Jonathan Brown

Player most likely to fall asleep in a team meeting: Me

Thriftiest player at your club: Steve Johnson

The next big thing at your club: Cory Gregson

The smartest thing you have been told: Opportunity knocks, invite it to stay for dinner

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be: Berlin

Do you have any strange phobias: No

Your can’t-miss TV shows: Q&A

Your favourite cartoon as a kid: Super Ted

If you had to choose another career, what would it be: Mortgage broker

What do you normally eat for breakfast: Seven Weet-Bix

Your last meal would be: Fish tacos

Your favourite holiday destination: Phi Phi Island

In the movie of your life, you’d be played by: Hugh Grant’s roommate in Notting Hill

What are your three essential items: Phone, golf clubs, sunnies

Most useless thing you have bought: Pass

Best subject at school: Music

Which big ticket sporting event would you love to attend: Super Bowl

And here's what others at the club have to say about him:

"I love playing footy with Tom Lonergan, or Domsy as we call him down at the footy club. He's such a courageous player. You only have to have a look at his stomach and see the massive scar right across his belly to realise that he's been through some pretty traumatic stuff in his life."
- Harry Taylor

"He's an absolutely cornerstone, not only of our defence but our whole team. He leads by example."
- Chris Scott